What are we About?

We are About Riding, Practical Balanced Horsemanship.  Being a partner with your horse and both you and the horse, enjoying Life!


Riding all over the place, both high and low.  Work with folks of all ages who want to ride, own and enjoy horses.  That’s what we do!!!



Its a place to Learn.   A place to Ride.  A Place to have fun with horses.We learn about horses.  We Trail ride, We Work and We Enjoy Living. 









 Laugh, Work and Ride!

A comment from one of my students the other day just about says it all.“I didn’t know  all the things I don’t Know!” (she was talking about riding)

Well that’s it for now. I might add and update more of my pages soon….. So Remember, Ride today for you might not get to tomorrow.

What do we REALLY DO

We enjoy sharing our horses with folks who are not as lucky but would love to share the love affair we all have with horses.  We do this by getting people involved with the horses.

Grooming, Riding, Cleaning, Doctoring, Loving, all in a day’s lesson.  Our training grounds is mostly the wide outdoors.  We teach riding by doing it. Going though the woods on winding trails, staying intone to your horse, relaxing, learning what to do when boggymen come calling.  All in a day’s ride.

I’ve been told, I  have just about the sweetest herd of horses around.  This is due to good training on both horses and humans.  We train both to become thinking partners and both appreciate it.  Now we always have to  have a leader, and I prefer the human to be that leader (though sometimes the horse might be the better choice).

046                If you would like to just learn about horses, ride out on trails and enjoy this beautiful place we call home, give Deb a call (745-0804).  I work with all ages and abilities.

It can be scary at any age to learn to ride and control a horse. They are big, BEAUTIFUL, powerful,  animals with a mind of their own. Our goal at EZ Walking stables is to help horses by educating their riders.

Students/New owners need support in order to obtain success with their horse partnerI want folks to be as successful with horses and have as wonderful of time as I have.  So I teach how to respect the horse and earn his respect too.  It is difficult for some people to trust a horse and even more difficult for a horse to trust them.  My plan has the horse teaching. From the horse, you learn horse patience, trust, respect and how to communicate. After the first few lessons, then you have the basics and now just need ride to perfect your communicate skills with the horse. 

On this site, we plan to provide numerous horse related help items. Since horses aren’t allow to use the Internet very often, they need your help to utilize this information. Owning a horse can be a large investment but we can make it an enjoyable and positive one.

roundpen-workDon’t Be caught Standing Around this year

Get out and make Memories

Ride a Beautiful TN Walking Horse in the Great Alaska Outdoors and

Have the time of your life.


There are cute story posted under Barn Stories

Here at EZ stables, we ride for pleasure. Everything we do with the horse is for pleasure, this includes our training. If the horse is having fun learning, then its fun for us to. Horses should not be expected to act like a robot, instead, he should be educated that working with humans can be exciting and interesting. Thus we try and develop working partnerships will all our horses and owners. This ensures that we are all having fun, and getting the most pleasure possible from our horses.

So if you want to get the most out of your horse on the trail or out for a simple pleasure ride, Deb at EZ Stables is who you should speak with. Come by the barn, see how every horse on the place is happy and wants to be with people. Horses are wonderful friends and if you want to experience, this the call or write today.

Remember Every time you are around, your horse is learning!


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